Maximizing Mission Points

    from collections import namedtuple
    from bisect import bisect_left
    import sys
    Place = namedtuple('Place', 'lat, long, height, points')
    chunkplaces={} # places get inserted into lists contained here, grouped by keys of their locations
    chunkvals={} # holds values
    giant = False
    def getkey(place, off_lat=0, off_long=0):
        return (( // d_lat + off_lat) * 200011) + place.long // d_long + off_long # unique for n<=200000
    def recordvalue(place, val):
        if val < 0:
            return # not worth going here; no need to track
        key = getkey(place)
        if key not in chunkplaces:
            chunkplaces[key] = []
            chunkvals[key] = []
        if giant:
            if len(chunkvals[key]) == 0:
                if val < -chunkvals[key][0]:
                    chunkvals[key][0] = -val
                    chunkplaces[key][0] = place
            i = bisect_left(chunkvals[key], -val)
            chunkplaces[key].insert(i, place)
            chunkvals[key].insert(i, -val)
            # print(i, val, [val for val in chunkvals[key]])
    def getbestinchunk(place, key, best):
        # find best suitable match in chunk
        if key not in chunkvals:
            return 0
        for i, (cand, val) in enumerate(zip(chunkplaces[key], chunkvals[key])):
            # print("evaluating %s"%cand)
            if -val < best:
                # this is the best we have, but it's not as good as we've seen other places; abort
                return 0
            if abs( - <= d_lat \
                and abs(place.long - cand.long) <= d_long :
                # and cand.height > place.height: # height is given, assuming they're unique
                # suitable, return it
                return -val
        # no suitable match
        return 0
    def getbest(place):
        # find best match in this and neighboring chunks, then pick the best
        best = 0 # always have the option to stop here
        for i in [0,1,-1]:
            for j in [0,1,-1]:
                key = getkey(place, i, j)
                ret = getbestinchunk(place, key, best)
                if ret > best:
                    best = ret
        return best
    def calculatevalue(place):
        val = place.points + getbest(place)
        recordvalue(place, val)
        return val
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        n, d_lat, d_long = input().strip().split(' ')
        n, d_lat, d_long = [int(n), int(d_lat), int(d_long)]
        places = []
        if d_lat == 200000:
            giant = True
        for a0 in range(n):
            latitude, longitude, height, points = input().strip().split(' ')
            latitude, longitude, height, points = [int(latitude), int(longitude), int(height), int(points)]
            places.append(Place(latitude, longitude, height, points))
        places.sort(key=lambda p: -p.height) # compute highest first
        best = 0
        for p in places:
            ret = calculatevalue(p)
            if ret > best:
                best = ret