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It took me more than expected time, around 2 hrs for me but heres raw version without any extra dependancies.
line1 = input().strip().split()
K = int(line1[0])
M = int(line1[1])
values = {}
elCounts = {}
for i in range(K):
values[i] = []
line = input().strip().split()
for j in range(int(line[0])):
n = int(line[j+1])
values[i].append(n * n)
elCounts[i] = len(values[i])
out = []
maxVal = 0
def myfunc(n):
return n[1]
ascEl = [ e[0] for e in sorted(elCounts.items(), key=myfunc)]
def recusiveP(v, keys, maxEls, arr):
global M
global maxVal
k = keys[0]
for n in arr[k]:
if(len(keys) > 1):
vals = arr.copy()
del vals[k]
recusiveP(v+n, keys[1:], maxEls, vals)
for n in arr[k]:
v1 = (v + n) % M
if(v1 > maxVal):
maxVal = v1
Maximize It!
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It took me more than expected time, around 2 hrs for me but heres raw version without any extra dependancies.
line1 = input().strip().split() K = int(line1[0]) M = int(line1[1])
values = {} elCounts = {} for i in range(K): values[i] = [] line = input().strip().split() for j in range(int(line[0])): n = int(line[j+1]) values[i].append(n * n) elCounts[i] = len(values[i])
out = [] maxVal = 0
def myfunc(n): return n[1]
ascEl = [ e[0] for e in sorted(elCounts.items(), key=myfunc)]
def recusiveP(v, keys, maxEls, arr): global M global maxVal k = keys[0]
recusiveP(0, ascEl, elCounts, values) print(maxVal)
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