Max Array Sum


    Solution: we start from the last element and we try to see if that element belongs to the max subset group. There can be 4 scenarios: * element belongs * adjancent elements belongs instead * element belongs with non-adjacent element * non-adjacebnt elemnt belongs instead * none belong, but that can be taken care of by making it recursively check what's best for the next step. Here's the code:

    # n <= 10^5
    # Complete the maxSubsetSum function below.
    def maxSubsetSum(arr):
        # for memoization
        cache = {}
        # subfunction for finding the right path
        def max_subarr(position):
            if position in cache:
                return cache[position]
            result = 0
            if position < 0:
                return result
                # choose the maximum between:
                # self, self + (non-adjacent next), adjacent next, non-adjacent next
                result = max(arr[position],
                            arr[position] + max_subarr(position-2),
            # print("position %s result %s" % (position, result))
            # cache for memoization
            cache[position] = result
            return result
        maxSubSum = max_subarr(len(arr)-1)
        return maxSubSum