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scala, building rings, reducing cycles in rings, linear.
import object Solution { private object Move { val down = (1, 0) val right = (0, 1) val up = (-1, 0) val left = (0, -1) } private def rotate(r: Int, matrix: Seq[Seq[Int]]): Seq[Seq[Int]] = { if (r < 1) return matrix val m = matrix.length val n = matrix.head.length val c = math.min(m, n) / 2 val rotated = Array.ofDim[Int](m, n) (0 until c) .map { i => val rows = m - 2 * i val cols = n - 2 * i val cells = 2 * rows + 2 * cols - 4 val leftTop = (i, i) val leftBottom = (i + rows - 1, i) val rightBottom = (i + rows - 1, i + cols - 1) val rightTop = (i, i + cols - 1) (1 until cells) .scanLeft(leftTop -> Move.down) { case ((cell, move), _) => val nextCell = (cell._1 + move._1) -> (cell._2 + move._2) val nextMove = nextCell match { case `leftBottom` => Move.right case `rightBottom` => Move.up case `rightTop` => Move.left case `leftTop` => Move.down case _ => move } nextCell -> nextMove } .map(_._1) } .foreach { ring => val split = r % ring.length (ring zip (ring.drop(split) ++ ring.take(split))) .foreach { case (sourceCell, targetCell) => rotated(targetCell._1)(targetCell._2) = matrix(sourceCell._1)(sourceCell._2) } } return } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val in = Iterator .continually(StdIn.readLine()) .takeWhile(null != _) .map(_.trim) val mnr =' ').map(_.toInt) val m = mnr.head val r = mnr.last val arr = (1 to m) .map(_ =>' ').map(_.toInt).toSeq) .toSeq println( rotate(r, arr) .map(_.mkString(" ")) .mkString("\n") ) } }
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Matrix Rotation
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scala, building rings, reducing cycles in rings, linear.