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C# solution:
using MagicSquare = System.Collections.Generic.List>; using Row = System.Collections.Generic.List;
class Result {
const int MAGIC_CONSTANT = 15; private static MagicSquare[]? allMagicSquares = null; public static int formingMagicSquare(MagicSquare s) { allMagicSquares ??= GetAllMagicSquares(); int minCost = allMagicSquares.Min(square => Cost(square, s)); return minCost; } private static int Cost(MagicSquare first, MagicSquare second) { int cost = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { cost += Math.Abs(first[i][j] - second[i][j]); } } return cost; } private static HashSet<int> Union(HashSet<int> source, int i) { HashSet<int> result = new HashSet<int>(source); result.Add(i); return result; } private static MagicSquare[] GetAllMagicSquares() => ( from c1 in Enumerable.Range(1, 9) let set1 = new HashSet<int>() { c1 } from c2 in Enumerable.Range(1, 9) where !set1.Contains(c2) let set2 = Union(set1, c2) let c3 = MAGIC_CONSTANT - (c1 + c2) where !set2.Contains(c3) let set3 = Union(set2, c3) from c4 in Enumerable.Range(1, 9) where !set3.Contains(c4) let set4 = Union(set3, c4) from c5 in Enumerable.Range(1, 9) where !set4.Contains(c5) let set5 = Union(set4, c5) let c6 = MAGIC_CONSTANT - (c4 + c5) where !set5.Contains(c6) let set6 = Union(set5, c6) let c7 = MAGIC_CONSTANT - (c1 + c4) where !set6.Contains(c7) let set7 = Union(set6, c7) let c8 = MAGIC_CONSTANT - (c2 + c5) where !set7.Contains(c8) let set8 = Union(set7, c8) let c9 = MAGIC_CONSTANT - (c7 + c8) where !set8.Contains(c9) && c3 + c6 + c9 == MAGIC_CONSTANT // diagonals && c1 + c5 + c9 == MAGIC_CONSTANT && c3 + c5 + c7 == MAGIC_CONSTANT select new MagicSquare() { new Row(){c1, c2, c3}, new Row(){c4, c5, c6}, new Row(){c7, c8, c9} }).ToArray();
} `
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Forming a Magic Square
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C# solution:
using MagicSquare = System.Collections.Generic.List>; using Row = System.Collections.Generic.List;
class Result {
} `