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Lucky Numbers
Lucky Numbers
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why 23 in between 21 and 25 is not lucky number,
as we are getting digit sum 5, and sum of square of digits are 13.
I believe there are no such things as unlucky numbers; it's all just nonsense. Numerology seems to be nothing more than a theory created by enthusiasts trying to link real life and numbers with mysticism. Building inspections Perth
def luckyNumbers(a, b): lucky_nums=[] seq=range(a,b+1) for num in seq: number=num sum=0 sum_sqr=0 while num!=0: remain=num%10 sum+=remain sum_sqr+=(remain**2) num=num//10
Here is my solution in java, javascript, python, C, C++, Csharp HackerRank Lucky Numbers Problem Solution
Why not work for number very long in javascript?