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    Hello. Please can anyone help me with this problem? I'm getting a timeout for the testcase with 100000 queries. I suspect the problem is from my algorithm to calculate the sum. The code is below:

    int sumPath(Node* x, Node* y) {
        int sum = 0;
        // while x is on a level below y, ascend while adding the values to sum
        while (x->level > y->level) {
            sum += x->data;
            x = x->parent;
        // while y is on a level below x, ascend while adding the values to sum
        while (y->level > x->level) {
            sum += y->data;
            y = y->parent;
        //x and y are on the same level now.
        //ascend while their parents are not equal and add values to sum
        while (x != y) {
            sum += y->data;
            sum += x->data;
            x = x->parent;
            y = y->parent;
        //x and y must be pointing to the same node now which is the lowest common anscestor.
        //Add the node's value to sum.
        return sum + x->data;

    Is there a better way to implement it?