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Solution O(N^3) in C++ with sorting, cause I think it's the purpose of these challenges.
int rotate(vector<int>& A, int pos) { int validPos = std::min(std::max(1, pos), (int)A.size() - 2); int tmp = A[validPos - 1]; A[validPos - 1] = A[validPos]; A[validPos] = A[validPos + 1]; A[validPos + 1] = tmp; return pos - 1; } void move(vector<int>& A, int currPos, int dstPos) { while (currPos != dstPos) { currPos = rotate(A, currPos); } } string larrysArray(vector<int> A) { int base = 1; int N = A.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N - 2; i++) { for (int j = i; j < N; j++) { if (A[j] == base) { move(A, j, i); break; } } base++; } if (A[N - 3] <= A[N - 2] && A[N - 2] <= A[N - 1]) { return "YES"; } return "NO"; }
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Larry's Array
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Solution O(N^3) in C++ with sorting, cause I think it's the purpose of these challenges.