I think this problem can be solved by finding the smallest number of swaps so that it becomes an increasing chain, but this number of swaps must be divisible by 2 because in this lesson, each time you swap, you have to swap consecutively. swap 2 times in a row and if those times are numbers that are not divisible by 2 then it will be incorrect because in 1 swap you cannot swap 3 times in a row in 1 time.

              int count = 0 ;                    
            int n = A.size() ;  
            List<Integer> tempArr  = new ArrayList<>(A) ; 
            List<Integer> sorted =  new ArrayList<>(A) ; 
            Map<Integer, Integer> indexMap = new LinkedHashMap<>() ; 
            for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++ ) {
                indexMap.put(A.get(i),i) ;  
            Collections.sort(sorted) ; 
             for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { 
                if(tempArr.get(i) != sorted.get(i)) {
                    count ++ ;  
                    int newValue = tempArr.get(i) ;  
                    int newIndex = indexMap.get(sorted.get(i)) ;   
                    indexMap.put(newValue, newIndex); 
                    Collections.swap(tempArr, i, indexMap.get(sorted.get(i)));                 
                    indexMap.put(sorted.get(i), i);
            if(count %2 == 0) {
                return "YES" ; 
            else {
                return "NO" ; 