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  • + 1 comment
    import java.util.Scanner
    import scala.collection.mutable
    object Solution {
      private val data = mutable.Map[State, Acc]()
      private val dirs = List(Coord(-1, 0), Coord(1, 0), Coord(0, -1), Coord(0, 1))
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val sc = new Scanner(
        val m = sc.nextInt
        val n = sc.nextInt
        case class Cell(x: Int, y: Int, c: String)
        val field = (0 until m).flatMap(y => sc.nextLine.split(" ").zipWithIndex
          .map { case (s, x) => Cell(x, y, s) }
        val targetChar = sc.nextLine
        val targetCoord = {
          val (targetY, targetX) = (sc.nextInt, sc.nextInt)
          Coord(targetX, targetY)
        val tempList = field
          .filter(_.c.exists(_ != '.'))
          .map { case (c, list) =>
            val leftX =
            val topY =
            val coords = => Coord(cell.x - leftX, cell.y - topY))
            def toId(coords: Seq[Coord]): Int = => 1 << (3 * coord.y + coord.x)).sum
            (Coord(leftX, topY), Block(c, coords.toList, toId(coords)))
        val tempBlocks =
        val symbols: mutable.Map[Coord, String] = mutable.Map[Coord, String]() ++ => tempList(index)._1 -> tempBlocks(index).symbol)
        val blocks: Map[Int, Set[Coord]] = { case (id, list) => id -> list.head.coords.toSet }
        val initialCoord = tempList(tempBlocks.indexWhere(_.symbol == targetChar))._1
        val initialState = State(Coord(-1, -1), initialCoord,
 { case (coord, block) => -> coord }
            .map { case (id, list) => id -> }
        val answer = solve(blocks, initialState, initialCoord, targetCoord, n, m)
              mv => {
                val symbol = symbols(mv.prevCoord)
                symbols -= mv.prevCoord
                symbols += mv.nextCoord -> symbol
                s"\n$symbol (${mv.prevCoord.y},${mv.prevCoord.x}) (${mv.nextCoord.y},${mv.nextCoord.x})"
      def solve(blocks: Map[Int, Set[Coord]], initialState: State, initialCoord: Coord, targetCoord: Coord, xSize: Int, ySize: Int): List[Movement] = {
        def worldCoord(coords: Set[Coord], topLeft: Coord): Set[Coord] = => Coord(coord.x + topLeft.x, coord.y + topLeft.y))
        def isCorrect(id: Int, topLeft: Coord, field: Set[Coord]): Boolean =
          worldCoord(blocks(id), topLeft)
            .forall(coord => coord.x >= 0 && coord.x < xSize && coord.y >= 0 && coord.y < ySize && !field.contains(coord))
        data += initialState -> Acc(
          initialState.topLefts.flatMap { case (id, topLefts) => topLefts.flatMap(topLeft => worldCoord(blocks(id), topLeft)) }.toSet,
          Item(0, Nil))
        val queue = mutable.PriorityQueue[State](initialState)
        var bestMovements: List[Movement] = Nil
        var bestStep = Int.MaxValue
        while (queue.nonEmpty) {
          val state = queue.dequeue()
          val nextPairs = state.topLefts.flatMap { case (id, topLefts) => topLefts.flatMap(topLeft => {
   => {
              val nextTopLeft = Coord(topLeft.x + dir.x, topLeft.y + dir.y)
              val nextState = State(nextTopLeft,
                if (topLeft == state.currentCoord) nextTopLeft else state.currentCoord,
                state.topLefts + (id -> (state.topLefts(id) - topLeft + nextTopLeft))
              val acc = data(state)
              val tempField = acc.field -- worldCoord(blocks(id), topLeft)
              val nextField = tempField ++ worldCoord(blocks(id), nextTopLeft)
              if (isCorrect(id, nextTopLeft, tempField)) {
                val isSame = topLeft == state.lastCoord
                val nextStep = if (isSame) acc.item.step else acc.item.step + 1
                val nextMovement = Movement(id, topLeft, nextTopLeft)
                val nextAcc = Acc(nextField,
                    if (isSame) Movement(id, acc.item.movements.head.prevCoord, nextMovement.nextCoord) :: acc.item.movements.tail
                    else nextMovement :: acc.item.movements
                nextState -> nextAcc
            .collect { case (nextState: State, nextAcc: Acc) => nextState -> nextAcc }
          nextPairs.foreach { case (nextState, nextAcc) =>
            val existingAccOpt = data.get(nextState)
            if (existingAccOpt.isEmpty || nextAcc.item.step < existingAccOpt.get.item.step) {
              if (nextAcc.item.step < bestStep) {
                if (nextState.currentCoord == targetCoord) {
                  bestMovements = nextAcc.item.movements
                  bestStep = nextAcc.item.step
                data(nextState) = nextAcc
                queue += nextState
      case class Coord(x: Int, y: Int)
      case class Block(symbol: String, coords: List[Coord], id: Int) {
        def worldCoord(topLeft: Coord): List[Coord] = => Coord(coord.x + topLeft.x, coord.y + topLeft.y))
      case class State(lastCoord: Coord, currentCoord: Coord, topLefts: Map[Int, Set[Coord]]) extends Ordered[State] {
        lazy val _hashCode: Int = topLefts.hashCode()
        override def hashCode(): Int = 31 * lastCoord.hashCode() + _hashCode
        override def compare(that: State): Int = data(that).item.step.compareTo(data(this).item.step)
      case class Movement(id: Int, prevCoord: Coord, nextCoord: Coord)
      case class Item(step: Int, movements: List[Movement])
      case class Acc(field: Set[Coord], item: Item)

    For those that are using Java to solve this problem, do not use BigInteger for calculating your total distance. Look for another solution.

  • + 1 comment

    Hi, I'm getting

    Ambiguous module name `Data.HashSet':
          it was found in multiple packages:
          hashmap- unordered-containers-

    in Haskell. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

  • + 1 comment

    I am told that my solution does not work on the first sample test. My output: 2 C (0,2) (1,3) B (1,0) (0,1)

    Expected output: 2 C (0,2) (1,3) B (1,0) (0,1)

    I can't find any difference here. Could you please take a look at my submission and tell me what is wrong? Output format?

    My latest submission:

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