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took me AGES to debug
long mod = 1000000007; class Node { public: int number; long divide; long loneRed; Node* parent; vector<Node*> children; Node (int num, long div, long free, Node* par) { number = num; divide = div; loneRed = free; parent = par; } }; Node* treeMaker (int n, const vector<vector<int>>& roads) { Node* root = new Node(1, 0, 1, NULL); vector<vector<int>> adj(n+1); for (int i=0; i < roads.size(); i++) { adj[roads[i][0]].push_back(roads[i][1]); adj[roads[i][1]].push_back(roads[i][0]); } queue<Node*> Q; Q.push(root); while (!Q.empty()) { Node* t = Q.front(); for (int i=0; i < adj[t->number].size(); i++) { if (t == root or adj[t->number][i] != t->parent->number) { Node* child = new Node(adj[t->number][i], 0, 1, t); t->children.push_back(child); Q.push(child); } } Q.pop(); } return root; } void dehaka (Node* current) { if (current->children.empty()) return; long a = 1, b = 1; for (Node* child : current->children) { dehaka(child); b = (b * child->divide) % mod; a = (a * (2 * child->divide + child->loneRed)) % mod; } current->loneRed = b; current->divide = (a - b + mod) % mod; } int main() { int n, k, l; vector<vector<int>> roads; cin >> n; for (int i=1; i <= n-1; i++) { cin >> k >> l; roads.push_back({k, l}); } Node* root = treeMaker(n, roads); dehaka(root); cout << (2 * root->divide) % mod; }
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took me AGES to debug