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Amazing solution and explaination. Here is my java code for this.
import java.util.*; public class Solution{ private static Set<Integer> path_set = new HashSet<>(); private static Set<Integer> circle_set = new HashSet<>(); private static long[] memo; private static boolean[] visited; private static final int mod = 1000_000_000; public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; int n = scanner.nextInt(); int m = scanner.nextInt(); List<List<Integer>> graph = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ graph.add(new ArrayList<>()); } for(int i=0;i<m;i++){ graph.get(scanner.nextInt()-1).add(scanner.nextInt()-1); } memo = new long[n]; visited = new boolean[n]; visited[0] = true; dfs(0, new ArrayList<Integer>(), graph, n); if(isInfintePath()) System.out.println("INFINITE PATHS"); else System.out.println(memo[0]); } private static void addToPathSet(List<Integer> cur_path){ for(int vertex: cur_path) path_set.add(vertex); } private static void addToCircleSet(List<Integer> cur_path){ int index = cur_path.size()-1; int repeatedVertex = cur_path.get(index--); circle_set.add(repeatedVertex); while(index>=0 && cur_path.get(index)!=repeatedVertex){ circle_set.add(cur_path.get(index--)); } } private static boolean isInfintePath(){ for(int circle_vertex: circle_set){ if(path_set.contains(circle_vertex)) return true; } return false; } private static void updatePath(long ways, List<Integer> cur_path){ for(int vertes: cur_path){ memo[vertes] = (memo[vertes] + ways)%mod; } } private static void dfs(int cur_vertex, List<Integer> cur_path,List<List<Integer>> graph, int n){ cur_path.add(cur_vertex); for(int next_vertex: graph.get(cur_vertex)){ if(next_vertex==n-1){ updatePath(1L, cur_path); addToPathSet(cur_path); continue; } if(memo[next_vertex]!=0){ if(memo[next_vertex]!=-1){ updatePath(memo[next_vertex], cur_path); } } else{ if(visited[next_vertex]){ cur_path.add(next_vertex); addToCircleSet(cur_path); cur_path.remove(cur_path.size()-1); } else{ visited[next_vertex] = true; dfs(next_vertex, cur_path, graph, n); } } } if(memo[cur_vertex]==0) memo[cur_vertex]=-1; cur_path.remove(cur_path.size()-1); } }
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Amazing solution and explaination. Here is my java code for this.