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Jumping on the Clouds
Jumping on the Clouds
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Here is my Python solution!
Hi this is my solution :) def jumpingOnClouds(c): # Write your code here index = 0 jumps = 1
while index < len(c) - 3: if c[index + 2] == 0: index = index + 2 jumps = jumps + 1 else: index = index + 1 jumps = jumps + 1 return jumps
if name == 'main': fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
def jumpingOnClouds(c):
Jumping on the Clouds sounds like such a fun and creative concept! Whether it's about tackling challenges or dreaming big, it's a reminder to aim high. Just like in life, though, it’s always smart to pair those big dreams with a little financial due diligence to keep things grounded. What’s the story behind this idea?