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Python3 solution
import sys def read(): l = sys.stdin.readline() if l[-1] == '\n': l = l[:-1] xs = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, l.split(' ')) return map(int, xs) n, m, q = read() ps = list(map(lambda x: x - 1, read())) gs = [set() for ix in range(m)] for ix in range(len(ps)): gs[ps[ix]].add(ix) uf = [] for ix in range(len(ps)): uf.append([ix, 0, set([ps[ix]])]) res = [] for ix in range(len(gs)): if len(gs[ix]) < 2: res.append(0) else: res.append(-1) def find(x): if uf[x][0] == x: return x r = find(uf[x][0]) uf[x][0] = r return r def union(u, v, ix): ur = find(u) vr = find(v) ur, uh, us = uf[ur] vr, vh, vs = uf[vr] if uh > vh: uf[vr][0] = ur uf[ur][2] |= vs for g in vs: gs[g].discard(vr) gs[g].add(ur) if res[g] < 0 and len(gs[g]) == 1: res[g] = ix + 1 elif vh > uh: uf[ur][0] = vr uf[vr][2] |= us for g in vs: gs[g].discard(ur) gs[g].add(vr) if res[g] < 0 and len(gs[g]) == 1: res[g] = ix + 1 else: uf[vr][0] = ur uf[ur][1] += 1 uf[ur][2] |= vs for g in vs: gs[g].discard(vr) gs[g].add(ur) if res[g] < 0 and len(gs[g]) == 1: res[g] = ix + 1 for ix in range(q): u, v = map(lambda x: x - 1, read()) union(u, v, ix) for r in res: print(r)
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Python3 solution