Java Stdin and Stdout II


    The extra line:

    str = scan.nextLine();

    is used to consume the leftover newline character in the input buffer before reading the actual string input.

    Why is this necessary?

    Issue with nextInt() and nextDouble()
    • When you use scan.nextInt() and scan.nextDouble(), they only read the number and do not consume the newline character (\n) that is entered after the number.
    • This means that after reading the integer and double, the buffer still contains the newline character from when the user pressed Enter.
    • If you directly call scan.nextLine(), it will read this leftover newline instead of the actual string input.

    How does this extra scan.nextLine(); fix the issue?

    • The first scan.nextLine(); consumes the leftover newline from nextDouble(), effectively clearing the buffer.
    • The second scan.nextLine(); then reads the actual string input.

    Example Input & Behavior

    Without the extra scan.nextLine();


    Hello World

    Expected Output:

    String: Hello World
    Double: 3.14
    Int: 5

    Actual Output:

    String:  (empty)
    Double: 3.14
    Int: 5

    Why? - nextInt() reads 5, but \n remains in the buffer. - nextDouble() reads 3.14, but \n remains in the buffer. - nextLine() immediately reads this leftover \n, returning an empty string instead of "Hello World".

    With the extra scan.nextLine();


    Hello World


    String: Hello World
    Double: 3.14
    Int: 5

    Why? - First nextLine(); clears the leftover newline. - Second nextLine(); correctly reads "Hello World".

    Alternative Approach

    Instead of:

    String str = scan.nextLine();
    str = scan.nextLine();

    You can write:

    scan.nextLine(); // Consume the leftover newline
    String str = scan.nextLine(); // Read the actual input

    This makes the intent clearer.

    Final Answer:

    The extra scan.nextLine(); is used to consume the leftover newline character after reading the integer and double, ensuring that the next nextLine() correctly reads the user’s input.