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If N is passed it a Even Number . Then check other condition of Range
* then check N < 5 check the Event number from 2 to 5 between and Print " Not Weird"
*Else If If the N is greater then 5 and less or equal to 20 then N<= 20 condtion check it.
* If the N is greate then 20 the Esle condition is print
If the Number is not pass the N % 2 == 0 that condition then print the Outer Else statement.
Java If-Else
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If N is passed it a Even Number . Then check other condition of Range * then check N < 5 check the Event number from 2 to 5 between and Print " Not Weird" *Else If If the N is greater then 5 and less or equal to 20 then N<= 20 condtion check it. * If the N is greate then 20 the Esle condition is print If the Number is not pass the N % 2 == 0 that condition then print the Outer Else statement.
if(N % 2 == 0 ){ if(N<5){
scanner.close(); }