Java Datatypes


    my code is correct and its executing properly but here its showing as wrong output,why?

    import java.util.Scanner;

    class Solution{ public static void main(String []args) { code is right why the o/p is wrong its showing Scanner sc = new Scanner(; int t=sc.nextInt();

        for(int i=0;i<t;i++)
                long x=sc.nextLong();
                System.out.println(x+" can be fitted in:");
                if(x>=-128 && x<=127)
                {System.out.println("* byte");}
                if(x>=-32768 && x<=32767)
                {System.out.println("* short");}
               if(x>=-2147483648 && x<=2147483647)
                {System.out.println("* int");
                System.out.println("* long");
                //Complete the code
            catch(Exception e)
                System.out.println( + " can't be fitted anywhere");
