with cte as (

    select c.contest_id,
            sum(total_submissions) as SOTS,
            sum(total_accepted_submissions) as SOTAS
    from colleges c 
    join challenges as cc  on cc.college_id = c.college_id 
    join submission_stats as s on s.challenge_id = cc.challenge_id 

    group by c.contest_id


    cte2 as (

    select  c.contest_id,
            sum(total_views) as STV,
            sum(total_unique_views) as STUV
    from colleges c
    join challenges as cc on c.college_id = cc.college_id 
    join view_stats as v on v.challenge_id = cc.challenge_id 
    group by c.contest_id 


    cte3 as (

    select c.contest_id , hacker_id , name , SOTS , SoTAS, STV,STUV from contests c join cte as cc on cc.contest_id = c.contest_id join cte2 as ccc on ccc.contest_id = c.contest_id

    select * from cte3 where sots !=0 and sotas!=0 and stv!=0 and stuv!=0 order by contest_id