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Can someone correct this -
WITH total as
select challenge_id, SUM(v.total_views),SUM(v.total_unique_views),
SUM(s.total_submissions), SUM(s.total_accepted_submissions)
from View_Stats v
JOIN Submission_Stats s
group by challenge_id
select cs.,c.,cl.,t. from Contests cs
join Colleges c on cs.contest_id = c.contest_id
join Challenges cl on c.challenge_id = cl.challenge_id
join total t on cl.challenge_id = t.challenge_id
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Can someone correct this - WITH total as ( select challenge_id, SUM(v.total_views),SUM(v.total_unique_views), SUM(s.total_submissions), SUM(s.total_accepted_submissions) from View_Stats v JOIN Submission_Stats s group by challenge_id ) select cs.,c.,cl.,t. from Contests cs join Colleges c on cs.contest_id = c.contest_id join Challenges cl on c.challenge_id = cl.challenge_id join total t on cl.challenge_id = t.challenge_id