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unordered_map<char,int>ladybug;intflag=0;//counting frequency of characterfor(inti=0;i<b.size();i++){ladybug[b[i]]++;}//checking the count of the character greater than 1if(ladybug.size()>1){for(inti=0;i<ladybug.size();i++){charc=i+65;if(ladybug[c]==1&&c!='_')return"NO";}}//checking if any possible chance to switch for(autoi:ladybug){if(i.first=='_'){flag=1;break;}}// checking it is sorted or not if there is no chance to switchif(flag==0){for(inti=0;i<b.size();i++){if(b[i]==b[i+1]||b[i]==b[i-1]){flag=1;}else{flag=0;break;}}}returnflag==0?"NO":"YES";
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Happy Ladybugs
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