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C++ Solution:
struct p { int cnt = 0; int lp = 0; }; string happyLadybugs(string b) { map<char, p> m; bool right = true; int pos = 0; for(auto& a : b) { m[a].cnt += 1; if(a != '_' && m[a].lp > 0 && m[a].lp != pos-1) right = false; m[a].lp = pos; pos++; } for(auto& a : m){ if(a.first != '_' && a.second.cnt < 2) { return "NO"; } } if(right) return "YES "; if(m.count('_') == 0) if(m.size() == 1 && (*m.begin()).second.cnt > 1) return "YES "; else return "NO"; else { if(m.size() == 2 && (*m.begin()).second.cnt + (*m.begin()++).second.cnt == b.size()) return "YES "; } return "YES"; }
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Happy Ladybugs
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C++ Solution: