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28 Discussions



    This question is usual coding interview junk that has zero relation with functional programming.


    Here is my haskell solution. This will actually give you a list of all possible combos that sum to the target number. I just take the length of the returned list to get the amount of combos.

    _sop x n i r
      | nr < x = _sop x n i' r' ++ _sop x n i' r
      | nr == x = [r']
      | otherwise = []
      nr = sum . map (^ n) $ r'
      r' = i : r
      i' = i + 1
    sumOfPowers x n = _sop x n 1 []
    solve s = show . length $ sumOfPowers x n
      [x, n] = take 2 . map read $ lines s
    main = interact solve

    Brute force solution... Fails on the timed case :(

    import Data.List
    solve x n = length . filter ((x ==) . sum) . subsequences $ ls
        where ls = [p ^ n | p <- [1 .. round $ fromIntegral x ** (1 / fromIntegral n)]]
    main = do
        [x,n] <- getContents >>= (\s -> return . map read $ lines s)
        print $ solve x n 

    f# solution

    open System
    let rec count b x n =
        match int (float b ** float n) with
        | bn when bn = x -> 1
        | bn when bn > x -> 0
        | bn -> (count (b + 1) (x - bn) n) + (count (b + 1) (x) n)
    let main _ =
        let x = Console.ReadLine() |> int
        let n = Console.ReadLine() |> int
        count 1 x n |> string |> Console.WriteLine

    input --> 400 2

    expected output --> 55

    anyone can help me to explain this? this is my temporary solution

    myDropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
    myDropWhile _ [] = []
    myDropWhile f (x:xs)
            | f x = myDropWhile f xs
            | otherwise = x:myDropWhile f xs
    upperLimit :: (Integral a) => a
    upperLimit = round . sqrt $ 1000
    powerNat :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
    powerNat a b
            | a < 1 = error "out of scope"
            | a > 1000 = error "out of scope"
            | b < 2 = error "out of scope"
            | b > 10 = error "out of scope"
            | otherwise = foldr (\x acc -> if (((x^b) + (sum . map (^b) $ acc)) <= a)
                                           then x:acc
                                           else acc) []
    uniquePowerNats :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> [a] -> [[a]]
    uniquePowerNats _ _ [] = []
    uniquePowerNats a b xs = natNum : uniquePowerNats a b (restNum xs)
            where natNum = powerNat a b xs
                  restNum = (\ys -> if ((sum . map (^b) $ natNum) == a)
                                    then filter (<(last natNum)) $ myDropWhile (`elem`natNum) xs
                                    else take ((length xs) - 1) xs)
    main = do
           a <- getLine
           b <- getLine
           let num = read a :: Int
           let pow = read b :: Int
           putStrLn $ show . 
                      length . 
                      filter (\xs -> (sum . map (^pow) $ xs) == num) .
                      uniquePowerNats num pow $ [1..upperLimit]