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Python3 solution
# Enter your code here. Read sys.stdin.readline from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT import sys mod = 2000003 factorial_cache = [1, 1] inverted_factorial_cache = [1, 1] cache_two = {} cache_ss = {} def f(n): global factorial_cache if n >= len(factorial_cache): old_len = len(factorial_cache) new_len = max(1 + n, len(factorial_cache) * 11 // 10) factorial_cache += [0] * (new_len - old_len) for i in range(old_len, new_len): factorial_cache[i] = factorial_cache[i - 1] * i % mod return factorial_cache[n] def inv_f(n): global inverted_factorial_cache if n >= len(inverted_factorial_cache): old_len = len(inverted_factorial_cache) new_len = max(1 + n, len(inverted_factorial_cache) * 11 // 10) inverted_factorial_cache += [-1] * (new_len-old_len) if inverted_factorial_cache[n] < 0: inverted_factorial_cache[n] = pow(f(n), mod - 2, mod) return inverted_factorial_cache[n] def Cnk(n, k): if n < k: return 0 return f(n) * inv_f(k) * inv_f(n - k) % mod def CnkBigP(n, k): zero = False N = n K = k while N > 0: NN = N % mod KK = K % mod if NN < KK: zero = True break N //= mod K //= mod if zero: return 0 result = 1 N = n K = k while N > 0: NN = N % mod KK = K % mod result *= Cnk(NN, KK) result %= mod N //= mod K //= mod return result def t(n): global cache_two if n not in cache_two: cache_two[n] = pow(2, n, mod) return cache_two[n] def ss(n): if n in cache_ss: return cache_ss[n] n2 = n + n n3 = n2 + n result = (n * t(n2 - 1) - (n2 - 1) * CnkBigP(n2 - 2, n - 1)) % mod cache_ss[n] = (3 * (t(n - 1) - 1) * result - n * t(n3 - 2) + t(n - 1) * n3 - n, (t(n3) - 3 * t(n2) + 3 * t(n) - 1)) return cache_ss[n] T = int(sys.stdin.readline()) for _ in range(T): N, M = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split()) n = N - 1 s, c = ss(n) result = (s + c * (M + 1 - n)) % mod print(result)
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Python3 solution