Top Competitors


    Filter out max score per challenege for a hacker guys first. Then is shoud give correct results. For example, if a hacker made 3 submissions, two of which hit the full score, the challenge would be counted twice, leading to incorrect leaderboard rankings.

    **CODE: **

    WITH max_scores AS (
        -- Get the maximum score achieved by each hacker for each challenge
        SELECT hacker_id, challenge_id, MAX(score) AS max_score
        FROM submissions
        GROUP BY hacker_id, challenge_id
    full_scores AS (
        -- Join with difficulty table to check if the hacker achieved full score
        SELECT ms.hacker_id,, ms.challenge_id
        FROM max_scores ms
        JOIN hackers h ON ms.hacker_id = h.hacker_id
        JOIN challenges c ON ms.challenge_id = c.challenge_id
        JOIN difficulty d ON c.difficulty_level = d.difficulty_level
        WHERE ms.max_score = d.score  -- Full score condition
    hacker_counts AS (
        -- Count challenges where hackers got full scores
        SELECT hacker_id, name, COUNT(challenge_id) AS challenge_count
        FROM full_scores
        GROUP BY hacker_id, name
    -- Filter hackers with full scores in more than one challenge
    SELECT hacker_id, name
    FROM hacker_counts
    WHERE challenge_count > 1
    ORDER BY challenge_count DESC, hacker_id ASC;