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modified to prevent memory issues from creating a vector of size 10^9
class disjoint_set { public: vector<int> parent = { 0 }, size = { 0 }; disjoint_set(int n) { for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { parent.push_back(i); size.push_back(1); } } int find(int x) { if (x != parent[x]) parent[x] = find(parent[x]); return parent[x]; } void Union(int x, int y) { int xRep = find(x), yRep = find(y); if (xRep == yRep) return; if (size[xRep] <= size[yRep]) { parent[xRep] = yRep; size[yRep] = size[yRep] + size[xRep]; } else { parent[yRep] = xRep; size[xRep] = size[xRep] + size[yRep]; } } }; vector<int> maxCircle(const vector<int>& people, const vector<vector<int>>& queries) { disjoint_set world(people.size()); vector<int> result; int largest = 1; for (auto q : queries) { auto it0 = lower_bound(people.begin(), people.end(), q[0]); auto it1 = lower_bound(people.begin(), people.end(), q[1]); int p0 = it0 - people.begin() + 1, p1 = it1 - people.begin() + 1; world.Union(p0, p1); int x = world.find(p0), y = world.find(p1); largest = max({largest, world.size[x], world.size[y]}); result.push_back(largest); } return result; } int main() { int q, k, l = 0; vector<vector<int>> queries; set<int> S; vector<int> people; cin >> q; for (int i=1; i <= q; ++i) { cin >> k >> l; S.insert(k); S.insert(l); queries.push_back({k, l}); } people.assign(S.begin(), S.end()); auto X = maxCircle(people, queries); for (int x : X) cout << x << '\n'; }
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Friend Circle Queries
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modified to prevent memory issues from creating a vector of size 10^9