Fraudulent Activity Notifications

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    Similar to @coswaldors53 solution, the idea revolves around being limited to 200. If we maintain an array of the count of previous expenditures, to find the median we need to check at most 200 values for each expenditure, giving .

    We need to find the two indices where the median will lie - this will be , where we shift one to the right if is even. Then, we can sweep across the array to see when the number of values visited reaches this point. If we reach this point, then we know that we have found the index where the median lies.

    def activityNotifications(expenditure, d):
        hist = [0] * 200
        med_l = med_r = math.ceil(d / 2)
        if d % 2 == 0:
            med_r += 1
        for i in range(d):
            hist[expenditure[i]] += 1
        ans = 0  
        for i in range(d, len(expenditure)):
            events = 0
            curr_l = curr_r = -1
            for j in range(200):
                if curr_l == -1 and events + hist[j] >= med_l:
                    curr_l = j
                if curr_r == -1 and events + hist[j] >= med_r:
                    curr_r = j
                if curr_l != -1 and curr_r != -1:
                events += hist[j]
            if expenditure[i] >= curr_l + curr_r:
                ans += 1
            hist[expenditure[i]] += 1
            hist[expenditure[i - d]] -= 1
        return ans

    Python solution:

    def activityNotifications(expenditure, d):
        # Write your code here
        current_count=[0 for i in range(max(expenditure)+1)]
        for n in expenditure[:d]:
        for i,e in enumerate(expenditure[d:]):
            for j,m in enumerate(current_count):
                if cum_sum>d//2:
                elif cum_sum==d/2:
                    for k,l in enumerate(current_count[j+1:]):
                        if l!=0:
            if e>=(2*median):
        return notifications


    function findIndex(array, element) {
      let firstIndex = 0;
      let lastIndex = array.length - 1;
      let indexOfElement;
      while (firstIndex <= lastIndex) {
        const middleIndex = Math.floor((firstIndex + lastIndex) / 2);
        if (array[middleIndex] === element) return middleIndex;
        if (array[middleIndex] > element) {
          lastIndex = middleIndex - 1;
          indexOfElement = middleIndex;
        } else {
          firstIndex = middleIndex + 1;
          indexOfElement = firstIndex;
      return indexOfElement;
    function activityNotifications(expenditure, d) {
      let notifications = 0;
      const sorted = expenditure.slice(0, d).sort((a, b) => a - b);
      for (let i = d; i < expenditure.length; i++) {
        const median =
          d % 2 === 1
            ? sorted[Math.floor(d / 2)]
            : (sorted[d / 2 - 1] + sorted[d / 2]) / 2;
        if (expenditure[i] >= 2 * median) notifications += 1;
        sorted.splice(findIndex(sorted, expenditure[i - d]), 1);
        sorted.splice(findIndex(sorted, expenditure[i]), 0, expenditure[i]);
      return notifications;

    Here is a Java solution with sorted arrayList and sliding window:

    public static int activityNotifications(List<Integer> expenditure, int d) {
            var list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            int notifications = 0;
            Function<List<Integer>, Double> medFunc;
            if (d % 2 == 0) {
                medFunc = (arr) -> ((arr.get(d / 2) + arr.get(d / 2 - 1)) / 2.);
            } else {
                medFunc = (arr) -> (double) arr.get(d / 2);
            var indexToRemove = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < expenditure.size(); i++) {
                if (i < d) {
                    add(expenditure.get(i), list);
                } else {
                    double med = medFunc.apply(list);
                    if (med * 2 <= expenditure.get(i)) {
                    if (i < expenditure.size() - 1) {
                        add(expenditure.get(i), list);
                        remove(expenditure.get(indexToRemove), list);
            return notifications;
        public static void add(Integer value, List<Integer> list) {
            int index = Collections.binarySearch(list, value);
            // If value is not found, binarySearch returns (-(insertion point) - 1)
            if (index < 0) {
                index = -(index + 1);
            list.add(index, value);
        public static void remove(Integer value, List<Integer> list) {
            int index = Collections.binarySearch(list, value);
            if (index >= 0) {
    • my solution for JS, worked for me on all test-cases
    • with explanation due to JS being very slow on high-load-operations
    function activityNotifications(expenditure, d) {
      // Write your code here
      let notificationCounter = 0;
      const middle = Math.ceil(d / 2);
      // sort first trailing days, use this as base for future operations and to calculate the median
      const sortedTrailingDays = expenditure
        .slice(0, d)
        .sort((a, b) => (b < a ? 0 : -1));
      for (let i = d; i < expenditure.length; i++) {
        const spentThisDay = expenditure[i];
        if (i > d) { // ignore first iteration, trailings days are sorted once before the loop
           * 2 operations on the sorted array of trailing day expenditures
           *    1. remove the expenditure of the day that dropped out of the trailing days
           *    2. add the expenditure of the previous day to the trailing days at the correct position
           * this is way faster than sorting the whole array on every iteration 
           * with the js-array-sort method (as done above the for-loop)
           *  -> this way the function was fast enough to succeed all test-cases, 
           *     even in slow-ass single-CPU-javascript :D
          // remove "dropped out" number/day
            sortedTrailingDays.indexOf(expenditure[i - d - 1]),
          // insert "previous-day-expenditure" to sorted array at the correct position
          const spentDayBefore = expenditure[i - 1];
          if (spentDayBefore <= sortedTrailingDays[0]) {
            sortedTrailingDays.unshift(spentDayBefore); // first pos
          } else if (
            spentDayBefore >= sortedTrailingDays[sortedTrailingDays.length - 1]
          ) {
            sortedTrailingDays.push(spentDayBefore);  // last pos
          } else {
            // find first higher number -> insert there
            const idx = sortedTrailingDays.indexOf(
              sortedTrailingDays.find((n) => n > spentDayBefore) // most likely to slow for testcase-5
            sortedTrailingDays.splice(idx, 0, spentDayBefore);
        // calculate median
        const median = d % 2 === 0 ? 
            (sortedTrailingDays[middle] + sortedTrailingDays[middle - 1]) / 2 
            : sortedTrailingDays[middle - 1];
        if (spentThisDay >= median * 2) {
      return notificationCounter;