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My solution in scala. Because of restriction in not using local variables, some computations were repeated.
import import scala.annotation.tailrec object Solution { def drawTrees(n: Int): Unit = { def recursiveTrees(n: Int, pHeight: Int, root: Int, base: Int, arr: Array[Array[Char]]): Array[Array[Char]] = { if (n > 0) { for (i <- Range(base, base-pHeight, -1)) { arr(i)(root) = '1' } @tailrec def fill_branch(i: Int, j: Int, x:Int, counter: Int): Unit = { if (counter != 0) { arr(x)(i) = '1' arr(x)(j) = '1' fill_branch(i-1, j+1, x-1, counter-1) } } fill_branch(root-1, root+1, base-pHeight, pHeight) recursiveTrees(n-1, pHeight/2, root-pHeight, base-(pHeight*2), arr) recursiveTrees(n-1, pHeight/2, root+pHeight, base-(pHeight*2), arr) } return arr } recursiveTrees(n, 16, 49, 62, Array.fill(63, 100)('_')).foreach(row => println(row.mkString)) } def main(args: Array[String]) { drawTrees(StdIn.readInt()) } }
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Functions and Fractals - Recursive Trees
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My solution in scala. Because of restriction in not using local variables, some computations were repeated.