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    // Complete the flatlandSpaceStations function below.
        static int flatlandSpaceStations(int n, int[] c) {
        	int numberOfCities = n;
        	int numberOfStations = c.length;
        	// Each city can have one station. If numberOfCities == numberOfStations. Each city has station so distance will be 0
        	if (numberOfCities == numberOfStations) {
        		return 0;
        	// If there is only station subtract 1 from numberOfCities
        	if (numberOfStations == 1) {
        		return numberOfCities - 1;
        	 * By default Priority queue gives priority to smaller elements. By using priority Queue we will be sure that we will always get the station in the 
        	 * same order as we are traversing the cities.
        	 * Suppose stations are given in order [4, 7, 1]. We will start iterating from city 0. City 0 till city 4 should check distance with spaceStationCity 1
        	 * and spaceStationCity 4.
        	 * After passing spaceStationCity 4 cities should check distance with spaceStationCity 4 and spaceStationCity 7.
        	PriorityQueue<Integer> spaceStationsCityPriorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>();
        	for (int spaceStationCity : c) {
        	// At this point we know that there are atl-east 2 space stations
        	int spaceStationCity1 = spaceStationsCityPriorityQueue.poll();
        	int spaceStationCity2 = spaceStationsCityPriorityQueue.poll();
        	// We can also use max variable and check it instead of creating the array. But let's do it with array as questions is also showing the array.
        	int[] distanceArr = new int[n];
        	 * We have taken the first two stations. We are using priority queue. We know we will get the stations in order.
        	 * Start from city 0.
        	 * Check the city distance from space station 1 and space station 2.
        	 * Find the minimum of both distance.
        	 * Add minimum distance to distance array.
        	 * Once the space station city 2 reaches. Now change the space station city 
        	for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCities; i++ ) {
        		int city = i;
        		int spaceStationCity1Distance = Math.abs(city - spaceStationCity1); 
        		int spaceStationCity2Distance = Math.abs(city - spaceStationCity2); 
        		int minSpaceStationDistance = Math.min(spaceStationCity1Distance, spaceStationCity2Distance);
        		distanceArr[i] = minSpaceStationDistance;
        		if (city == spaceStationCity2) {
        			spaceStationCity1 = spaceStationCity2;
        			if (spaceStationsCityPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
        				spaceStationCity2 = 0;
        			} else {
        				spaceStationCity2 = spaceStationsCityPriorityQueue.poll();
        	int maxDistance = findMax(distanceArr);
        	return maxDistance;
        public static int findMax(int[] arr) {
        	int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        	for (int number : arr) {
        		if (number > max) {
        			max = number;
        	return max;