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import heapq def runningMedian(a): maxh = [] minh = [] ans = [] for aa in a: if len(maxh) == 0 or aa <= -maxh[0]: heapq.heappush(maxh, -aa) else: heapq.heappush(minh, aa) if len(maxh) > len(minh) + 1: heapq.heappush(minh, -heapq.heappop(maxh)) elif len(minh) > len(maxh): heapq.heappush(maxh, -heapq.heappop(minh)) if len(maxh) > len(minh): m = -maxh[0] else: m = (-maxh[0] + minh[0]) / 2 ans.append(format(m, ".1f")) return ans
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Find the Running Median
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