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void insert_increase(vector<int> &H,int x){ H.push_back(x); int i=H.size()-1; while (i>0) { if(H[i]<H[(i-1)/2]) swap(H[i],H[(i-1)/2]); else break; i=(i-1)/2; } } void insert_decrease(vector<int> &H,int x){ H.push_back(x); int i=H.size()-1; while (i>0) { if(H[i]>H[(i-1)/2]) swap(H[i],H[(i-1)/2]); else break; i=(i-1)/2; } } void update1(vector<int> &H,int x){ H[0]=x; int i=0; int n=H.size()-1; while (2*i+1<=n) { int max=i; if(H[2*i+1]>H[i]) max=2*i+1; if((2*i+2<=n)&(H[2*i+2]>H[max])) max=2*i+2; if(max!=i){ swap(H[i],H[max]); i=max; } else break; } } void update2(vector<int> &H,int x){ H[0]=x; int i=0; int n=H.size()-1; while (2*i+1<=n) { int min=i; if(H[2*i+1]<H[i]) min=2*i+1; if((2*i+2<=n)&(H[2*i+2]<H[min])) min=2*i+2; if(min!=i){ swap(H[i],H[min]); i=min; } else break; } } vector<double> runningMedian(vector<int> a) { vector<int>H1; vector<int>H2; vector<double> v; v.push_back(a[0]); insert_decrease(H1,a[0]); for(int i=1;i<a.size();i++){ if(i%2==0) insert_decrease(H1,a[i]); else insert_increase(H2,a[i]); if(H1[0]>H2[0]) { int temp=H1[0]; update1(H1,H2[0]); update2(H2,temp); } if(i%2==0)v.push_back(double(H1[0])); else v.push_back(double((H1[0]+H2[0])/2.0)); } return v; }
return v;
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Find the Running Median
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Hey There, Here is my C++ Solution using two heaps that passes all test case successfully*****