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import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
This class represents a directed graph
using adjacency list representation
class Graph:
# Constructor
def __init__(self):
# Default dictionary to store graph
self.graph = defaultdict(list)
# Function to add an edge to graph
def addEdge(self, u, v):
# Function to print a BFS of graph
def BFS(self, s):
dico = dict()
# Mark all the vertices as not visited
visited = [False] * (max(self.graph) + 1)
# Create a queue for BFS
queue = []
queue0 = []
# Mark the source node as
# visited and enqueue it
if (s not in self.graph):
return dico
visited[s] = True
dico = dict()
while queue:
# Dequeue a vertex from
# queue and print it
s = queue.pop(0)
print(s,end=" ")
# Get all adjacent vertices of the
# dequeued vertex s.
# If an adjacent has not been visited,
# then mark it visited and enqueue it
for i in self.graph[s]:
if visited[i] == False:
visited[i] = True
return dico
Complete the findShortest function below.
For the weighted graph, :
1. The number of nodes is _nodes.
2. The number of edges is _edges.
3. An edge exists between _from[i] to _to[i].
def findShortest(graph_nodes, graph_from, graph_to, ids, val):
# solve here
n= graph_nodes
g = Graph()
for i in range(len(graph_from)):
if ids.count(val)<=1:
return -1
dico = g.BFS(val)
for i in range(1,n+1):
if i not in dico.keys():
for k in range(len(ids)):
if ids[k]==2 and dico[k+1]>0:
return min(s)
if name == 'main':
fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
graph_nodes, graph_edges = map(int, input().split())
graph_from = [0] * graph_edges
graph_to = [0] * graph_edges
for i in range(graph_edges):
graph_from[i], graph_to[i] = map(int, input().split())
ids = list(map(int, input().rstrip().split()))
val = int(input())
ans = findShortest(graph_nodes, graph_from, graph_to, ids, val)
fptr.write(str(ans) + '\n')
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import math import os import random import re import sys from collections import defaultdict
This class represents a directed graph
using adjacency list representation
class Graph:
Complete the findShortest function below.
For the weighted graph, :
1. The number of nodes is _nodes.
2. The number of edges is _edges.
3. An edge exists between _from[i] to _to[i].
# # def findShortest(graph_nodes, graph_from, graph_to, ids, val): # solve here n= graph_nodes g = Graph() for i in range(len(graph_from)): g.addEdge(graph_from[i],graph_to[i]) g.addEdge(graph_to[i],graph_from[i]) if ids.count(val)<=1: return -1 dico = g.BFS(val) for i in range(1,n+1): if i not in dico.keys(): dico[i]=g.BFS(i)[i] s=[] for k in range(len(ids)): if ids[k]==2 and dico[k+1]>0: s.append(dico[k+1]) print(s)
if name == 'main': fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')