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Sort, then pick the midpoint seemed the easiest. But sort is O(n log n), right? If so, can we use a better sort and get to O(n)?
So,if we look at a sorted array and median is midpoint, then we can assume the NthSmallest integer where n is the midpoint is what we are looking for. Then we only have to adjust our sort until then.
functionfindNthSmallest(arr:number[],n:number):number{letleft:number=0;letright:number=arr.length-1;while(left<=right){constpivotNdx=partition(arr,left,right);if(pivotNdx===n){returnarr[pivotNdx];// we know what's left of index is lower than everything else}elseif(pivotNdx<n){left=pivotNdx+1;// we know what's right of index is larger than everything else}else{right=pivotNdx-1;}}}functionpartition(arr:number[],left:number,right:number):number{constpivot=arr[right];leti=left-1;for(letj=left;j<right;j++){if(arr[j]<=pivot){i++;[arr[i],arr[j]]=[arr[j],arr[i]];}}[arr[i+1],arr[right]]=[arr[right],arr[i+1]];returni+1;}functionfindMedian(arr:number[]):number{// find mid smallest number, use own copy of arrreturnfindNthSmallest([...arr],Math.floor(arr.length/2));}
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Find the Median
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Sort, then pick the midpoint seemed the easiest. But sort is O(n log n), right? If so, can we use a better sort and get to O(n)? So,if we look at a sorted array and median is midpoint, then we can assume the NthSmallest integer where n is the midpoint is what we are looking for. Then we only have to adjust our sort until then.