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somehow my output isnt right
import; import java.util.; import java.text.; import java.math.; import java.util.regex.*;
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) { /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */ Scanner scan = new Scanner(; Solution s = new Solution(); long n = scan.nextInt(); long m = scan.nextInt(); final double modConst = Math.pow(10,9)+7; Node node = null; Node root = null; int id = 1; for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++){ if(node == null){ node = new Node(scan.nextLong()); = ++id; root = node; } else if( node.left == null) { node.left = new Node(scan.nextLong()); node.left.parent = node; = ++id; } else if( node.right == null) { node.right = new Node(scan.nextLong()); = ++id; node.right.parent = node; node = node.left; } } if(node.left == null){ node.left = new Node(0); node.left.parent = node; = 1; } else if (node.right == null){ node.right = new Node(0); node.right.parent = node; = 1; } List<List<String>> queries = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> query = null; for( int i=0;i<m;i++){ query = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int j = 0; j < 3;j++){ query.add(; } queries.add(query); } long nNum,rNum, sum = 0; for(List<String> task : queries) { nNum = Long.parseLong(task.get(1)); rNum = Long.parseLong(task.get(2)); if(task.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("U")){ //s.printTree(root); s.updateOperation(nNum,rNum,root); // s.printTree(root); } else { s.printTree(root); sum = s.queryOperation(nNum,rNum,root); System.out.println( sum % modConst ); System.out.println("\n\n\n"); } } // System.out.println(s.fetchTreeSize(root)); } private Node findNode(long nodeNumber, Node rootNode){ if(rootNode == null){ return null; } if( != nodeNumber){ findNode(nodeNumber,rootNode.left ); findNode(nodeNumber,rootNode.right ); return rootNode; } else { return rootNode; } } private long queryOperation(long xNum,long yNum,Node rootNode){ Node yNode = findNode(yNum, rootNode); long sum = 0; System.out.println("yNode Val:"+yNode.value+" yNum:"+yNum); while(yNode.parent != null && != xNum){ sum = sum + yNode.value; if(yNode.parent == null){ break; } yNode = yNode.parent; } return sum ; } private void updateOperation(long nodeNumber, long kfibo, Node rootNode) { rootNode = findNode(nodeNumber,rootNode); long treeElements = fetchTreeSize(rootNode); UpdateTree(rootNode,kfibo,0); } private void printTree(Node rootNode){ if(rootNode == null ) { return; } printTree(rootNode.left); System.out.println("id :"" value :"+rootNode.value); printTree(rootNode.right); } private void UpdateTree(Node updNode, long item,int level){ if(updNode == null){ return; } updNode.addValue(fetchFibonaciiValue(item+level)); UpdateTree(updNode.left,item,++level); UpdateTree(updNode.right,item,level); } private long fetchFibonaciiValue(long element){ if(element == 1 || element == 2) { return 1; } else if(element < 1){ return 0; } else { return fetchFibonaciiValue(element-1) + fetchFibonaciiValue(element -2); } } private long fetchTreeSize(Node rootNode){ if(rootNode == null){ return 0; } else { return 1 + fetchTreeSize(rootNode.left)+fetchTreeSize(rootNode.right); } }
} class Node { Node left = null; Node right = null; Node parent = null; long value = 0; long id = 0; Node(long val) { this.value = val; this.left = null; this.right = null; }
public void addValue(long p) { this.value = value + p; }
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Fibonacci Numbers Tree
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somehow my output isnt right
import; import java.util.; import java.text.; import java.math.; import java.util.regex.*;
public class Solution {
} class Node { Node left = null; Node right = null; Node parent = null; long value = 0; long id = 0; Node(long val) { this.value = val; this.left = null; this.right = null; }