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f# my first attempt hand with made cache no modulo property used: (a + b) % n = ((a % n) + (b % n)) % n.
open System open System.Collections.Generic let rec fib = let dict = new Dictionary<_, _>() fun n -> match dict.TryGetValue(n) with | true, v -> v | false, _ -> let temp = if n = 0I then 0I elif n = 1I then 1I else fib (n - 1I) + fib (n - 2I) dict.Add(n, temp) temp [ 1 .. Console.ReadLine() |> int ] |> List.iter (fun _ -> Console.ReadLine() |> int |> bigint |> fib |> (fun x -> x % 100000007I) |> string |> Console.WriteLine)
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f# my first attempt hand with made cache no modulo property used: (a + b) % n = ((a % n) + (b % n)) % n.