
    1. Use a Depth First Search (DFS) to calculate the size of each subtree.
    2. Count the number of subtrees with even numbers of nodes.
    3. The number of edges to remove is the number of even subtrees minus 1 (since we don't count the root's subtree).


    Here is the PHP code:

    function evenForest($t_nodes, $t_edges, $t_from, $t_to) {
        $graph = [];
        // Initialize graph
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $t_nodes; $i++) {
            $graph[$i] = [];
        // Build adjacency list
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($t_from); $i++) {
            $graph[$t_from[$i]][] = $t_to[$i];
            $graph[$t_to[$i]][] = $t_from[$i];
        // Array to store the size of each subtree
        $subtreeSize = array_fill(1, $t_nodes, 0);
        function dfs($node, $parent, &$graph, &$subtreeSize) {
            $subtreeSize[$node] = 1; // Include the node itself
            foreach ($graph[$node] as $neighbor) {
                if ($neighbor != $parent) {
                    $subtreeSize[$node] += dfs($neighbor, $node, $graph, $subtreeSize);
            return $subtreeSize[$node];
        // Start DFS from node 1 (arbitrary choice for the root)
        dfs(1, -1, $graph, $subtreeSize);
        $removableEdges = 0;
        // Count removable edges
        for ($i = 2; $i <= $t_nodes; $i++) {
            if ($subtreeSize[$i] % 2 == 0) {
        return $removableEdges;
    // Example usage:
    $t_nodes = 10;
    $t_edges = 9;
    $t_from = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
    $t_to = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5];
    echo evenForest($t_nodes, $t_edges, $t_from, $t_to); // Output should be 2


    1. Graph Construction: We use an adjacency list to represent the graph.
    2. DFS Traversal: We traverse the graph using DFS, calculating the size of each subtree.
    3. Subtree Size Calculation: The size of each subtree is stored in the $subtreeSize array.
    4. Count Removable Edges: We iterate through each node (except the root) and count subtrees of even size.

    This solution assumes that the tree is given in a 1-based index as in the example. If your tree nodes are 0-based, you should adjust the code accordingly.