Your task is to create a React app that helps employees validate and update their existing information through a survey form. The application requirements are detailed below, and the finished application must pass all of the unit tests.
Detailed Requirements
- The EmployeeValidationForm component collects employee details through four input fields: Name, Email, Employee ID, and Joining Date.
- Each input field should have validation logic to ensure that the data entered meets the specified requirements.
- A Submit button should be present at the bottom of the form but remain disabled until all fields are valid.
- If a field does not meet the criteria, an error message should be displayed below that field.
- When the form is valid and submitted, all input fields should be cleared, and the form should be reset to its initial state.
- Name Field: Must be at least 4 characters long and can only contain alphabetical characters (A-Z, a-z) and spaces.
- Email Field: Must be in a valid email format (e.g.,
- Employee ID Field: Must be exactly 6 numeric digits.
- Joining Date Field: Cannot be set to a date in the future.
- Name: "Name must be at least 4 characters long and only contain letters and spaces."
- Email: "Email must be a valid email address."
- Employee ID: "Employee ID must be exactly 6 digits."
- Joining Date: "Joining Date cannot be in the future."
- Form State Reset: Upon successful form submission, all fields should be cleared, and the form should revert to its initial state.
- Submit Button: Should only be enabled when all input fields are valid.
Initial State
- All input fields are empty.
- The Submit button is disabled.
- Error messages are displayed below each empty input field.
User Action 1
- The user types "John" into the Name field.
- The error message below the Name field disappears if it meets the criteria.
- The Submit button remains disabled as not all fields are valid.
User Action 2
- The user types "" into the Email field.
- The error message below the Email field disappears if it meets the criteria.
User Action 3
- The user enters "123456" in the Employee ID field and selects a Joining Date that is not in the future.
- All input fields are now valid, and the Submit button becomes enabled.
User Action 3 1. The user clicks the Submit button. 2. All input fields are cleared, the Submit button is disabled, and the form resets to its initial state.
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