Emma and sum of products

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4 Discussions



    It's kinda weird that optimized brute force solutions could pass with ease, I didn't expect FFT to show up at the editorial at all.

  • + 1 comment

    In authors solution, he is using complex roots of unity.

    How does he maintain precision while multiplying the complex numbers. I think in c++ we have complex numbers library support.

    I am trying to implement it in JAVA. Can anybody help me


    I am not able to import Numpy in my python saolution please help me

  • + 1 comment

    If anyone is able to find one, I'd be very interested in a Python solution that doesn't time out for testcases 6-11. I implemented the exact same algorithm in C++ and it worked immediately, and a quick look at the leaderboards shows a complete domination of C++ solutions, so I don't even know if a solution in Python even exists.

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