I used the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to calculate the necessary modular inverses for this problem. Solution is in Haskell.

    -- Code assumes prime modulus
    -- Using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to solve Bezout's Identity
    extEuclid ra rb sa sb ta tb
        | rb == 0   = sa
        | otherwise = extEuclid rb (ra - quot * rb) sb (sa - quot * sb) tb (ta - quot * tb)
        where quot = div ra rb
    -- Calculating the modular inverse using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm
    invmod modulus a = extEuclid a modulus 1 0 0 1
    -- n choose k = n / k * (n-1 choose k-1)
    choose modulus n k
        | k == 0    = 1
        | otherwise = mod (n * invmod modulus k * choose modulus (n-1) (k-1)) modulus