This is my haskell solution, but this doesn't work for test case 5 and 6 Time Complexity - O(t.m.n), Space Complexity - O(m.n) Please suggest some edits to get my program to pass all the test cases.

    import Data.Array
    find :: Int -> Int -> Int 
    find m n = findPaths (1, 1, 1, 3, 2)
            dp = array ((1,1,1,1,1), (m, n, 6, 6, 6))
                 [(c , findPaths c) | c <- (,,,,) <$> [1..m] <*> [1..n] <*> [1..6]  <*> [1..6] <*> [1..6]]
            get c
                | inRange (bounds dp) c = dp ! c
                | otherwise = -1
            findPaths (i,j,t,l,f)
                | i == m && j == n = t
                | otherwise = t + max path1 path2
                        path1 = get (i, j+1, l, 7-t, f)
                        path2 = get (i+1, j, 7-f, l, t)
    main :: IO()
    main = do
        raw <- getContents
        mapM_ print $ map helper $ (map . map) (read :: String -> Int) $ map words $ tail $ lines raw
        where helper (m : n : _) = find m n