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Your point about Devu Vs Police looked me little confusing but no worries I have shared your post with one of my old https://assignmentjunkie.co.uk/do-my-assignment collegue.I shall share the reviews little later.Thanks.
/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */
long long n1,k1,n2,k2,n,t,i,f,j,l;
if(n1==0 && k1==0)
if(n2==0 && k2==0)
if (j==0 && l==0)
giving error in some tests
dont know what is wrong with this code?
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Python3 solution
Your point about Devu Vs Police looked me little confusing but no worries I have shared your post with one of my old https://assignmentjunkie.co.uk/do-my-assignment collegue.I shall share the reviews little later.Thanks.
static BigInteger solve(int n1, int k1, int n2, int k2, int n) { String s1 = String.valueOf(n1); String s2 = String.valueOf(n2); String s3 = String.valueOf(n); BigInteger b1, b2, b3; b1 = new BigInteger(s1); b2 = new BigInteger(s2); b3 = new BigInteger(s3); b1 = b1.pow(k1); b2 = b2.pow(k2); int i = b2.intValue(); BigInteger result = b1.pow(i); result = result.mod(b3); return result; }
(1) Euler's theorem: if a and n are coprime positive integers, we have
where phi() is Euler's totient function. Fermat's little theorem is a special case of this where n is prime.
(2) What if a and n are not coprime? Try this:
where d=gcd(a,n) is the greatest common divisor of a and n.
These are the main ingredients of this problem. Watch out for boundary cases.