We can make a mapping of each node, to the sum of their tree. In this case, the root node has a sum equal to the entire tree, and each other node the respective cost of their subtree.

    If we cut at an edge, we spawn two subtrees: one where we just cut (with a sum equal to the mapping of that node) and a 'bigger' tree, with sum equal to the entire tree (i.e., mapping[1]) - the tree we just removed. With this idea, we can map each node to the sum of its tree in O(V + E), and then cut every edge once, perfoming the check in O(1), giving a further O(V + E).

    The total time complexity then becomes O(V + E), with O(V + E) space, too.

    def cutTheTree(data, edges):
        # Write your code here
        adj = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for u, v in edges:
        lookup = {}
        def treeSum(node, par):
            if node is None:
                return 0
            if node in lookup:
                return lookup[node]
            ans = data[node - 1]
            for ch in adj[node]:
                if ch == par:
                ans += treeSum(ch, node)
            lookup[node] = ans
            return ans
        treeSum(1, 1)
        minDiff = float("inf")
        def minPart(node, par):
            nonlocal minDiff
            if node is None:
            for ch in adj[node]:
                if ch == par:
                # cut at child
                tree1 = lookup[ch]
                tree2 = lookup[1] - tree1
                diff = abs(tree1 - tree2)
                minDiff = min(minDiff, diff)
                minPart(ch, node)
        minPart(1, 1)
        return minDiff