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fromcollectionsimportdefaultdict,dequedefcutTheTree(data,edges):# Create an adjacency list to represent the treenode=defaultdict(set)fora,binedges:node[a].add(b)node[b].add(a)n=len(data)subtree_sums=[None]*(n+1)# Perform DFS to calculate subtree sumsvisited=[False]*(n+1)stack=deque([1])visited[1]=Truewhilestack:i=stack[-1]# Check if any child nodes are unprocessedifany(subtree_sums[j]isNoneforjinnode[i]):forjinsorted(node[i]):ifnotvisited[j]:stack.append(j)visited[j]=Trueelse:node[i].remove(j)#Avoidrevisitingparentnodecontinue# Calculate the subtree sum for node isubtree_sums[i]=sum(subtree_sums[j]forjinnode[i])+data[i-1]stack.pop()# Total sum of all nodes in the treetotal_sum=subtree_sums[1]# Find the minimum difference between two parts of the treeforiinrange(2,n+1):diff=abs(total_sum-2*subtree_sums[i])min_diff=min(min_diff,diff)returnmin_diff
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Cut the Tree
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Refined Version without building Node class