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    vector<long long> cubeSum(int n, vector<string> o) {
        map<tuple<int, int, int>, int> M;
        vector<long long> answer;
        for (int i=0; i < o.size(); i++) {
            stringstream ss(o[i]);
            string word;
            vector<int> t;
            while (ss >> word) {
                if (isdigit(word[0])) t.push_back(stoi(word));
            if (o[i][0] == 'U') M[make_tuple(t[0]-1, t[1]-1, t[2]-1)] = t[3];
            else {
                long long temp = 0;
                for (auto p : M) {
                    int x = get<0>(p.first);
                    int y = get<1>(p.first);
                    int z = get<2>(p.first);
                    if (t[0]-1 <= x and x < t[3] and t[1]-1 <= y and y < t[4] and t[2]-1 <= z and z < t[5]) {
                        temp = temp + p.second;
        return answer;