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function checkMagazine(magazine: string[], note: string[]): void { if(magazine.length < note.length){ console.log("No") return } const magazineMap = new Map<string, number>() magazine.forEach( (magazineWord) => { const value = magazineMap.get(magazineWord) ? magazineMap.get(magazineWord) + 1 : 1 magazineMap.set(magazineWord, value) }) for(const word of note){ if(!magazineMap.has(word)){ console.log("No") return } const currentValue = magazineMap.get(word) if(currentValue - 1 === 0){ magazineMap.delete(word) }else { magazineMap.set(word, currentValue -1) } } console.log("Yes") }
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Hash Tables: Ransom Note
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