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public static long countInversions(List<Integer> arr) { int size = arr.size(); AtomicLong atomicLong = new AtomicLong(0L); mergeSort(arr, 0, size, atomicLong); return atomicLong.get(); } private static void mergeSort(List<Integer> arr, int firstIndex, int lastIndex, AtomicLong atomicLong){ if(firstIndex >= lastIndex){ return; } final int mediumIndex = firstIndex + ((lastIndex - firstIndex) / 2); if(mediumIndex == firstIndex){ return; } mergeSort(arr, firstIndex, mediumIndex, atomicLong); mergeSort(arr, mediumIndex, lastIndex, atomicLong); merge(arr, firstIndex, mediumIndex, lastIndex, atomicLong); } private static void merge(List<Integer> arr, int firstIndex, int mediumIndex, int lastIndex, AtomicLong atomicLong){ final List<Integer> firstList = arr.subList(firstIndex, mediumIndex).stream().collect(Collectors.toList()); final List<Integer> secondList = arr.subList(mediumIndex, lastIndex).stream().collect(Collectors.toList()); final int firstSize = firstList.size(); final int secondSize = secondList.size(); if(firstSize == 0 || secondSize == 0){ return; } int i = 0, j = 0, k = firstIndex; while(i<firstSize && j < secondSize){ int first = firstList.get(i); int second = secondList.get(j); if(first <= second){ arr.set(k, first); i++; } else{ arr.set(k, second); j++; atomicLong.addAndGet(firstSize-i); } k++; } while(i<firstSize){ arr.set(k, firstList.get(i)); i++; k++; } while(j < secondSize){ arr.set(k, secondList.get(j)); j++; k++; } }
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Merge Sort: Counting Inversions
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