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Java15 solution that passes all test cases. Three HashMaps and a dream...
publicstaticintmakeAnagram(Stringa,Stringb){intcount=0;HashMap<Character,Integer>aCharFreq=newHashMap<Character,Integer>();HashMap<Character,Integer>bCharFreq=newHashMap<Character,Integer>();HashMap<Character,Integer>toDelCharFreq=newHashMap<Character,Integer>();for(inti=0;i<a.length();i++){//Get the character frequencies for string a.charc=a.charAt(i);if(aCharFreq.containsKey(c))aCharFreq.replace(c,aCharFreq.get(c)+1);elseaCharFreq.put(c,1);}for(inti=0;i<b.length();i++){//Get the character frequencies for string b.chard=b.charAt(i);if(bCharFreq.containsKey(d))bCharFreq.replace(d,bCharFreq.get(d)+1);elsebCharFreq.put(d,1);}for(charkeyA:aCharFreq.keySet()){//Now check the character frequencies for string a.if(bCharFreq.containsKey(keyA))toDelCharFreq.put(keyA,Math.abs(bCharFreq.get(keyA)-aCharFreq.get(keyA)));//If b contains the character in a that we're looking at, add the difference between the number of times that character shows up in b and a.elsetoDelCharFreq.put(keyA,aCharFreq.get(keyA));//Add every character that shows up in a but not b.}for(charkeyB:bCharFreq.keySet()){//Then check the character frequencies for string b.if(aCharFreq.containsKey(keyB)&&toDelCharFreq.get(keyB)==0)toDelCharFreq.remove(keyB);//If a and b have an equal number of instances of a character, that character will be part of the anagram set and must be removed from the target character frequencies.elseif(!aCharFreq.containsKey(keyB))toDelCharFreq.put(keyB,bCharFreq.get(keyB));//Add every character that shows up in b but not a.}for(charkey:toDelCharFreq.keySet())count+=toDelCharFreq.get(key);//Finally, add up the frequencies of all characters remaining to get the retur value.returncount;}
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Strings: Making Anagrams
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Java15 solution that passes all test cases. Three HashMaps and a dream...