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an in order traversal of the tree and save the order indexes into data_list
set new property ancestor into node objects, which is somewhat cheating because may only be add in dynamic language such as Python, but can also be implement in other static languages by using data structure like dictionaries / hashmaps
check data_list is in order, and also no duplication (by checking length)
fromcollectionsimportdefaultdictdefcheckBST(root):node_traversed_counts=defaultdict(int)current_node=rootcurrent_node.ancestor=Nonedata_list=[]whilenode_traversed_counts[root]<3:# new nodeifnotnode_traversed_counts.get(current_node):node_traversed_counts[current_node]+=1# is leaf nodeifnotcurrent_node.leftandnotcurrent_node.right:data_list.append(current_node.data)current_node=current_node.ancestor# is not leaf nodeelse:ifcurrent_node.left:current_node.left.ancestor=current_nodecurrent_node=current_node.left# node having been traversed beforeelse:node_traversed_counts[current_node]+=1ifnode_traversed_counts[current_node]==2:data_list.append(current_node.data)ifcurrent_node.right:current_node.right.ancestor=current_nodecurrent_node=current_node.rightcontinuecurrent_node=current_node.ancestorreturndata_list==sorted(data_list)andlen(set(data_list))==len(data_list)
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Trees: Is This a Binary Search Tree?
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into node objects, which is somewhat cheating because may only be add in dynamic language such as Python, but can also be implement in other static languages by using data structure like dictionaries / hashmapsdata_list
is in order, and also no duplication (by checking length)