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This was my timed solution. I am not very good a t matrix problems so if anyone could view my code and tell me why it may be abd or ugly or any improvements I'd greatly appreciate it!
int maxRegion(vector> grid) {
int max_region_amt = 0;
int n = grid.size();
int m = grid[0].size();
stack q;
vector visited(n*m);
int i = 0;
while(i < n * m){
if(grid[i / m][i % m]){
visited[i] = true;
while (i < n*m && !visited[i]) {
visited[i] = true;
int amt_region = 1;
cout << "New iteration: " << i << "\n";
int curr_value = q.top();
if(curr_value / m != 0){
int prev_row =(curr_value - m)/m;
if(!visited[curr_value - m]){
visited[curr_value - m] = true;
if(grid[prev_row][curr_value % m]){
q.push(curr_value - m);
if(curr_value % m && !visited[curr_value - m - 1]){
visited[curr_value - m - 1] = true;;
if(grid[prev_row][curr_value % m -1]){
q.push(curr_value - m - 1);
if((curr_value + 1) % m && !visited[curr_value - m + 1]){
visited[curr_value - m + 1] = true;;
if(grid[prev_row][curr_value % m +1]){
q.push(curr_value - m + 1);
if(curr_value / m + 1 != n){
int next_row =(curr_value + m)/m;
if(!visited[curr_value + m]){
visited[curr_value + m] = true;
if(grid[next_row][curr_value % m]){
q.push(curr_value + m);
if(curr_value % m && !visited[curr_value + m - 1]){
visited[curr_value + m - 1] = true;;
if(grid[next_row][curr_value % m - 1]){
q.push(curr_value + m - 1);
if((curr_value + 1) % m && !visited[curr_value + m + 1]){
visited[curr_value + m + 1] = true;;
if(grid[next_row][curr_value % m +1]){
q.push(curr_value + m + 1);
if((curr_value + 1) % m && !visited[curr_value + 1]){
visited[curr_value + 1] = true;;
if(grid[curr_value / m][curr_value % m +1]){
q.push(curr_value + 1);
if((curr_value) % m && !visited[curr_value - 1]){
visited[curr_value - 1] = true;
if(grid[curr_value / m][curr_value % m - 1]){
q.push(curr_value +-1);
while(i < n * m && (visited[i] || !grid[i / m][i % m])){
visited[i] = true;
max_region_amt = max(max_region_amt, amt_region);
cout << i << "\n";
return max_region_amt;
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DFS: Connected Cell in a Grid
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This was my timed solution. I am not very good a t matrix problems so if anyone could view my code and tell me why it may be abd or ugly or any improvements I'd greatly appreciate it!
int maxRegion(vector> grid) { int max_region_amt = 0; int n = grid.size(); int m = grid[0].size(); stack q; vector visited(n*m); int i = 0; while(i < n * m){