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vararr=[];varmax=0;// init each element of arr to 0for(letl=0;l<n;l++){arr[l]=0;}// for each sum operation in queriesfor(leti=0;i<queries.length;i++){// update arr with number to add at index=queries[i][0] and number to remove at index=queries[i][0]+1 => this will allow us to build each element of the final array by summing all elements before it. The aim of this trick is to lower time complexityarr[queries[i][0]-1]+=queries[i][2];if(queries[i][1]<arr.length){arr[queries[i][1]]-=queries[i][2];}}for(letj=1;j<n;j++){arr[j]+=arr[j-1];}for(letk=0;k<arr.length;k++){max=Math.max(max,arr[k]);}//max = Math.max(...arr); // not working for big arraysreturnmax;
Array Manipulation
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Same solution in Javascript