Someone's probably mentioned, but to avoid using O(n) space, you can use a sparse data structure like a map.

    import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
    import Data.List (foldl')
    main = do
        getLine -- skip the first line, we won't use N or M
        input <- map readWords . lines <$> getContents -- lazily read operations
        let ops = foldl' insertOperation M.empty input
        print $ findMax ops
    readWords = map read . words
    insertOperation m [a, b, k] = (M.insertWith (+) a k) . (M.insertWith (+) (b+1) (-k)) $ m
    findMax :: M.Map Int Int -> Int -- Result is >= 0
    findMax m = snd $ M.foldl' update (0, 0) m
        where update = \(cur, peak) x -> let next = cur + x in (next, max peak next)